Emilio Sands
- BiographyThis male porn veteran has starred in 3 video scenes, having starred on camera for the first time in Locker Room Fantasies around February 1999. The video content containing Emilio has been requested 1,192,164 times, with over 14.17 Gigabytes worth of porno being downloaded in the previous year. He was favorited 24 times by Gay Access members. Overall, 93 percent of our members rated Emilio Sands positively. Some other people who have co-starred next to Emilio Sands are, most notably, Duncan Valentine, Rickee, and Dakota Blaze. He has recently starred in The Mentor, Homosexuales - De Tijuana, and Dickin' Around. His preferred actions include Anal Sex, Cum on Stomach, Handjobs, Blowjobs, and Guy On Guy. The largest portion of his videos can be found under Jocks, Big Cock, and Latino.
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