
  • BiographyThis black male model has starred in 3 video scenes, debuting in Young Guns 1 around February '01. His preferred activities consist of Hardcore, Blowjobs, Handjobs, Anal Sex, and Guy On Guy. The largest part of his scenes belongs to Interracial, Teens, and Black / Ebony. Video content starring this star was viewed 595,396 times, with over 8.7 Gigabytes of exciting porno being downloaded during the last year. Some of the other people co-starring next to Javier include, among others, Platinum, Don Juan, and Soloman. Some of his recent scenes have been featured in Da Big Dipper 1 and Some Like It Hard And Dark. Javier was added to favorites 9 times by Gay Access members, and given an average rating of 4.714 out of 5 with a total of 14 ratings.
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