Michael Gray
- BiographyThis pornstar has starred in 2 porn videos, having made his first appearance on camera in Strong Armed in November 2006. Michael Gray's favorite activities are Guy On Guy, Handjobs, Anal Sex, Blowjobs, and Anal Licking. Some other actors who have co-starred alongside Michael are Tony Cummings and Brett Thomas. The video content containing Michael was viewed 235,178 times in total, with over 3.4 GB being transferred in the previous twelve months. This pornstar's newest work is included in Strong Armed 2. He was added to favorites 3 times by Gay Access members. Overall, close to 100% of our members have rated Michael Gray positively.
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Horny Gay Fellows...
Strong Armed 2 June 05 2014
Slender Twink Fucking...
Strong Armed November 09 2006