Jeff Mitchell
- BiographyDuring his 27 year long pornographic career, this male pornstar produced 3 videos, having starred on camera for the first time in When The Wife's Away in August '98. He was favorited 82 times by Gay Access members, and received an average rating of 4.692 out of 5 stars with 78 ratings casted. Video content starring Jeff was viewed 1,319,288 times, with greater than 15 GB worth of porn being transferred in the last year. Most recently, he starred in Penetration at Pennsylvania Avenue and Gates of Hell. Some of the other actors who have co-starred next to Jeff include, most notably, Dereck Bishop, Sweet Williams, Christopher Rojas, Nolan Scott, and Alex Carrington. His preferred actions include Cum on Stomach, Blowjobs, Handjobs, Guy On Guy, and Anal Sex. Largest part of his videos are found under Fetish / Leather / Kink, Hunks, and Straight Guys / First Time.
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Gay Dom Giving It...
Gates of Hell July 05 2014
Two Gay Politicians...
Penetration at... January 07 2012
Illicit Straight Guy...
When The Wife's Away August 05 1998