Richard Hitch
- BiographyThis white actor has starred in 1 video, first appearing in Barebackin' Fudge Packin' in November 2013. Content starring this actor was viewed 194,364 times, with well over 2 Gigabytes of smoking-hot video being downloaded during the previous twelve months. Richard has been favorited 2 times by Gay Access members. Overall, close to 100 percent of our members rated this actor positively. His most often performed activities include Fingering, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Blowjobs, and Hardcore. Some other actors who have co-starred alongside Richard are, among others, Thomas Zupko, Terri Stone, Amanda Lynn, Nathan Tennant, and Sheena Lee.
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Two Muscle Gay Hunks...
Barebackin' Fudge Packin' November 01 2013