Amauri de Oliveira
- BiographyDuring the course of his 25 year long porn career, Amauri showed his talent in 3 videos, appearing for the first time in Brazil Nuts 8 in May '00. His most often performed actions consist of Guy On Guy, Anal Sex, Anal Licking, Blowjobs, and Hardcore. Amauri was added to favorites 16 times by Gay Access members, and given a rating of 4.579 out of 5 stars with 19 votes casted. Some other actors who have co-starred together with Amauri de Oliveira are, among others, Marcio Rosa, Tiago Lemos, and Alejandro Lopez. Content starring Amauri has been watched 2,185,720 times in total, with more than 21.65 Gigs worth of exciting porn having been transferred during the previous year. More recently, he was seen in Bawdy Brazilians and Brazilian Beef.
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