Ty Trent

  • BiographyThroughout his 11 year long pornographic career, Ty Trent showed hisself in 1 porn video, having starred on camera for the first time in Black Nubian Fantasies in '14. The video content featuring this star was watched 178,601 times, with well over 2 Gigabytes of porn being transferred in the previous year. Ty Trent's favorite activities are Anal Sex, Guy On Guy, Blowjobs, Hardcore, and Ass To Mouth. Ty has been added to My Favorites folder 5 times by Gay Access members. On average, 100 percent of our members given Ty Trent a thumbs up rating. Some other people co-starring with Ty Trent include, among others, Trey Whitman, J.J., and Darryl Harris.
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