Martin Petros
- BiographyThroughout his 27 year acting career, this white male porn oldtimer has produced 4 video scenes, first appearing in Plow Me around '98. Most recently, he starred in Leather and Chrome, Cop Blowers, and Wild Cops 1. Video content featuring this actor was requested 1,288,186 times, with greater than 18 Gigs of porn being downloaded during the last twelve months. He was favorited 28 times by Gay Access members, and given an average rating of 4.892 out of 5 stars with a total of 37 votes. Other people who co-starred alongside Martin Petros are Jake Russell, John Nagel, Anthony DeMarco, Erik Raines, and Erick Raines. Martin Petros's preferred actions are Guy On Guy, Anal Licking, Anal Sex, Handjobs, and Blowjobs, and the largest portion of Martin's scenes are placed in Fetish / Leather / Kink, Anal Sex, and Uniforms.
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Two Buff Male Cops...
Cop Blowers September 30 2013
Martin Petros And...
Wild Cops 1 October 28 2010
Leather Clad Bikers...
Leather and Chrome June 01 1998
In The Locker Room...
Plow Me June 01 1998