Alexi Ferron
- BiographyThis white male porn oldtimer has appeared in 3 video scenes, having made his debut in While The Sugar Daddy is Away in '99. Some of the other actors who co-starred next to Alexi include, among others, Alain DuPont, Olivier Christ, and Alexandre Pleintemps. He was favorited 4 times by Gay Access members, and rated 4.750 out of 5 stars with a total of 16 votes casted. Some of his recent videos have been featured in First Seduction and E-males. Alexi Ferron's favorite activities consist of Hardcore, Blowjobs, Anal Licking, Handjobs, and Anal Sex, and greatest portion of Alexi's videos are Hunks, Straight Guys / First Time, and Teens. The video content with Alexi was watched 812,006 times, with over 11 Gigs worth of porn being transferred in the last twelve months.
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Cock Starved Guy...
E-males November 11 2000
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First Seduction January 03 2000
Wanker Manager Fucked...
While The Sugar Daddy is... October 18 1999