Joel Russel
- BiographyThis white model has filmed in 1 video scene, having made his earliest appearance on camera in Oral Officers 2 around 1999. Some other actors co-starring alongside Joel Russel are, most notably, Sandra Romain, Jose Cabrera, and Ben English. He was favorited 7 times by our members, and rated 4.000 out of 5 stars with 12 votes casted. This actor's newest video is included in MILF Hookers 2. The video content with Joel has been requested 683,742 times, with greater than 4.4 Gigs worth of porno having been transferred during the last twelve months. Joel Russel's most often performed actions include Hardcore, Anal Sex, Cum on Ass, Blowjobs, and Handjobs.
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Oral Officers 2 March 02 1999