D. Jit

  • BiographyOver his 24 year career, this male porn oldtimer has filmed in 2 videos, first appearing in B-Ball Black 2 around May 2001. His newest video is featured in Black N Large. D. Jit's most often performed actions consist of Blowjobs, Cum on Stomach, Handjobs, Guy On Guy, and Anal Sex. D. Was favorited 8 times by Gay Access members, and rated 4.111 out of 5 with 9 ratings. Video content containing D. Has been watched 809,691 times, with more than 8.1 Gigabytes worth of video being downloaded. Other people who have co-starred next to D. Jit include, most notably, Lil Ken, Southern Comfort, Sexcyone, Hollywood, and Diabolique.
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