Anthony Holloway
- BiographyAnthony has starred in 3 video scenes, having made his initial appearance in Double Delights around '13. Anthony Holloway's favorite activities are Cum on Hands, Cum on Stomach, Anal Sex, Guy On Guy, and Blowjobs. The largest portion of Anthony's videos belongs under Teens, Fetish / Leather / Kink, and Studs. More recently, Anthony Holloway starred in Senior Class Fuck Buddies and Taggers. He has been added to My Favorites folder 17 times by Gay Access members, and given an average rating of 4.667 out of 5 stars with a total of 48 votes. The video content showing this model was viewed 978,258 times in total, with well over 12.34 Gigs of exciting porn being downloaded during the last twelve months. Some of the other actors who have co-starred next to Anthony Holloway include Bobby Brennan, Bobby Golden, and Abram Rodriguez.
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Gay Graffiti Gets All...
Taggers August 04 2014
College Jock Abandons...
Senior Class Fuck Buddies November 13 2013
Three Guys Have Hot...
Double Delights September 27 2013