Eric Westford
- BiographyEric has starred in 3 porn videos, having starred on camera for the first time in Ass Lickers 1 in 2013. He has recently starred in Men With Toys 1 and Men With Toys 2. Eric has been favorited 2 times by Gay Access members, and rated 4.852 out of 5 with a total of 27 ratings. Some of the other people who co-starred together with Eric Westford are, most notably, Theo, Diego Villalobos, and Johnny Lava. Eric Westford's preferred actions consist of Handjobs, Anal Sex, Hardcore, Guy On Guy, and Blowjobs, while largest portion of Eric's videos are categorized in Ass Rimming, Toys, and Fetish / Leather / Kink. Video content featuring this actor was watched 799,678 times, with well over 10.71 Gigs of exciting porno being transferred.
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Rough Stud Fucks A...
Men With Toys 1 September 08 2014
Sexy Stud Gets A Toy...
Men With Toys 2 September 22 2013
Little Dick Guy Gets...
Ass Lickers 1 August 24 2013