Chuck Hung
- BiographyChuck Hung has starred in 1 porn video, having appeared for the first time in Brazil Nuts 4 around April 1998. Chuck Hung's most often performed activities are Blowjobs, Hardcore, Anal Sex, Facial Cumshots, and Ass To Mouth. Chuck has been added to favorites 7 times by our members. On average, 100 percent of the members given Chuck Hung a positive rating. Some other actors co-starring next to Chuck Hung are, among others, Frankie, Alfredo Castaldo, Ludo, Erika Vieira, and Jose Pene. Content containing this star was watched 1,084,962 times, with over 6 Gigabytes of porn having been downloaded in the previous twelve months.
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Three Homosexual Men...
Brazil Nuts 4 April 01 1998