Oliver Madsen
- BiographyThis white male actor has starred in 4 porn videos, appearing for the first time in Blazing Waters around September 2013. Other actors who have co-starred with Oliver are Anthony Okamoto, Janos Volt, Gary Malkovich, Renato Bellagio, and Donald Jarrott. He has been favorited 14 times by our members, and rated 4.907 out of 5 stars with 43 votes casted. The content featuring Oliver has been requested 550,044 times, with more than 10 Gigs worth of videos having been downloaded. Oliver Madsen's preferred activities are Blowjobs, Guy On Guy, Cum on Hands, Anal Sex, and Hardcore. Greatest part of Oliver's scenes belongs to Hunks, Fetish / Leather / Kink, and Gay. Most recently, Oliver Madsen has starred in Uncut Centerfolds, The Renato Bellagio Collection 1, and Unleash the Beast 2.
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Hot Handsome Well...
Uncut Centerfolds November 02 2013
Incredible Positions...
Unleash the Beast 2 October 31 2013
Kinky Orgy Filled...
The Renato Bellagio... September 22 2013
Three Way Butt...
Blazing Waters September 11 2013