Michael Feelps

  • BiographyThis white male model has starred in 3 porn videos and 1 picture set, having made his debut in Lateeno Lads & Their Str8 M8's around 2013. This pornstar's latest video is included in Lateeno Spunk Gobblers. Michael Feelps's most often performed activities are Anal Sex, Handjobs, Ass To Mouth, Facial Cumshots, and Blowjobs. Content with this actor has been watched 942,515 times, with over 12 Gigs worth of porn being transferred in the last year. Some other actors who co-starred next to Michael Feelps are Rico, Manuel, and Estaban. He was added to favorites 4 times by Gay Access members, and rated 4.714 out of 5 stars with 28 ratings casted.
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