Manuel Ruggio
- BiographyThis latin male porn veteran has starred in 2 porn videos, appearing for the first time in Ass Lickers 1 in '13. Some of the other actors co-starring alongside Manuel Ruggio are Jonny Feather and Theo. His most often performed actions include Cum on Ass, Blowjobs, Guy On Guy, Hardcore, and Handjobs, while greatest part of Manuel's videos are categorized under Anal Sex, Blowjobs / Oral, and Ass Rimming. He was favorited 16 times by our members. On average, close to 97 percent of our members have given this star a thumbs up rating. His latest work is featured in I Like It Rough 1. Video content starring this star was requested 1,181,578 times in total, with well over 11 Gigs of exciting porn being transferred in the last year.
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