Carlos Edwards
- BiographyOver his 11 year porn career, Carlos Edwards has starred in 2 video scenes, having appeared for the first time in White Boys Love Black Meat around '13. His newest video is included in Ass Lickers 2. He was added to favorites 9 times by our members. Overall, close to 93 percent of our members rated this actor positively. The content containing this star has been requested 672,289 times in total, with over 7 Gigabytes worth of exciting videos being transferred. His preferred activities include Handjobs, Anal Licking, Blowjobs, Guy On Guy, and Anal Sex. Greatest part of his scenes are categorized in Ass Rimming, Interracial, and Bisexual. Some of the other actors co-starring alongside Carlos include, among others, Gioia Biel, Hunter Corbin, Kadu Martins, Nicholas Santos, and Dara.
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