Lucien Dickson
- BiographyDuring his 11 year career, this white porn veteran has shown hisself in 2 video scenes, debuting in Ride 'Em Rough around September 2014. Video content featuring Lucien was viewed 1,216,679 times in total, with well over 10.82 Gigs of video having been transferred. He was favorited 5 times by Gay Access members, and given an average rating of 4.467 out of 5 with a total of 30 ratings casted. Other actors co-starring alongside Lucien Dickson include, among others, Demetri Kazakh, Steve Hunt, Dirk Jagger, Giovanni Delagiorna, and Breno Lopez. His preferred activities include Anal Sex, Blowjobs, Solo Masturbation, Solo Guy, and Handjobs.
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Ride 'Em Rough September 13 2014
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Ride 'Em Rough September 13 2014