Alex Manzoni
- BiographyThroughout his 11 year long pornographic career, this white male model has filmed in 1 video, having made his debut in The Users around October '13. Content containing Alex has been viewed 395,757 times, with greater than 3 Gigs worth of porno being transferred in the last year. His most often performed activities are Cum on Hands, Blowjobs, Handjobs, Anal Sex, and Ass To Mouth. He has been favorited 4 times by Gay Access members. On average, close to 0 percent of the members rated this actor positively. Some of the other actors co-starring next to Alex Manzoni include Alex Nocentini, Adam July, Leo Cimmino, and Andrea Vincenzi.
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5 Italian Studs...
The Users October 03 2013