Talles Wells

  • BiographyThis male model has starred in 1 video scene, having appeared for the first time in Shemale Love 14 around 2010. Some of his newest videos were featured in Sex Crazed She-males 12 and Rough Workout 2. He has been added to favorites once by our members, and received a rating of 3.667 out of 5 stars with 6 ratings casted. Other actors who co-starred together with Talles Wells include, most notably, Fernando St. Clair, Barbara Smith, and Nicole C. His most often performed actions are Anal Sex, Handjobs, Cum on Chest, Blowjobs, and Anal Licking. Content with Talles has been viewed 372,710 times in total, with greater than 2.9 Gigabytes of videos having been transferred.
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