Jack Cummings

  • BiographyThis white male pornstar has starred in 1 video scene, having appeared for the first time in Strong Armed 2 in June '14. He has been added to favorites 121 times by our members. 97% of the members have rated Jack Cummings positively. His preferred activities are Blowjobs, Hardcore, Fingering, Facial Cumshots, and Pussy Creampies. The greatest portion of his videos can be found in Teen / Coed, Latina, and Hardcore. The content with this model has been viewed 17,781,968 times in total, with well over 43.5 Gigabytes worth of exciting video having been transferred in the previous twelve months. Some other people co-starring next to Jack Cummings are, among others, Tiffany Haze, Monica Sexxxton, Eve Evans, Randi Ryan, and Moretta Coxxx.
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