- BiographyThis white pornstar has produced 2 porn videos, having appeared for the first time in After-School Jizz Fest in 2014. Video content featuring this star has been watched 351,696 times in total, with greater than 5 Gigabytes of porno having been downloaded. This pornstar's newest scene is included in Flava Invasion. He was favorited 22 times by our members. On average, close to 98% of our members have given this actor a positive rating. Scooter's most often performed activities are Solo Masturbation, Guy On Guy, Blowjobs, Cum on Hands, and Orgy. Some other people who co-starred alongside Scooter include, among others, Pepe Felipe, Kenny C, Tony Pleasant, and Chulo Garcia.
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Flava Invasion April 08 2014
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After-School Jizz Fest March 25 2014