Chaz Kramer
- BiographyChaz Kramer has starred in 3 porn videos, having made his debut in Anal Initiation Rights around March 2014. Other actors co-starring alongside Chaz Kramer are, most notably, Alex Johnson, Jake Lyons, Axel Johnson, Aaron Lancaster, and Kyle Baglie. Recently, he appeared in Grade A Ruff Trade and Hot For Twinks. Chaz Kramer's favorite actions consist of Cum on Stomach, Blowjobs, Guy On Guy, Anal Sex, and Hardcore. The largest portion of his videos are found in Teens, Twinks, and Straight Guys / First Time. Chaz has been favorited 37 times by Gay Access members. 96% of the Gay Access members given this star a plus rating. The video content showing this model was requested 5,570,807 times, with well over 42 Gigs of videos having been downloaded.
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Hot For Twinks April 10 2014
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