Wes Roberts
- BiographyDuring his 11 year career, this white porn veteran has starred in 3 porn videos, appearing for the first time in Cum Panions in May 2014. Wes Roberts's favorite activities include Anal Sex, Guy On Guy, Cum on Chest, Blowjobs, and Cum on Stomach. Greatest portion of Wes's videos are present in Cumshots, Hardcore, and Hunks. He has been added to My Favorites folder 13 times by our members, and given a rating of 4.942 out of 5 with a total of 69 votes casted. Other actors co-starring with Wes are Kirk Kelley, Cory Heiss, Adam Wolfe, Timothy Taylor, and Vincent. He has recently starred in Web Guys and Falling For Ian Idol. Video content featuring Wes was watched 1,016,358 times in total, with more than 12.67 Gigabytes worth of porn being transferred.
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Gay Roomies Paying...
Web Guys May 26 2014
Incredible Cocks On...
Falling For Ian Idol May 22 2014
Impromptu Strip Tease...
Cum Panions May 17 2014