Geza Zsivacs
- BiographyGeza Zsivacs has produced 2 porn videos, first appearing in Hungarian College Jocks in November '11. Geza Zsivacs's favorite actions consist of Anal Licking, Anal Sex, Cum on Hands, Guy On Guy, and Blowjobs. He has been favorited 4 times by Gay Access members. 100% of our members rated Geza Zsivacs positively. The content starring Geza has been viewed 723,377 times in total, with greater than 7.52 Gigabytes of exciting videos being transferred in the previous year. His most recent video is included in Superstars of Pacific Sun. Other actors who have co-starred alongside Geza Zsivacs include, among others, Peter Kukacka, Tamas, Krisztian, Den Rico, and Zsolt.
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