- BiographyCarlos has starred in 2 videos, first appearing in Hooked On Homies around November 2013. Carlos has been favorited 7 times by our members, and given an average rating of 4.609 out of 5 with a total of 92 ratings casted. His favorite actions are Anal Sex, Guy On Guy, Solo Masturbation, Blowjobs, and Handjobs, and the greatest portion of his scenes are placed in Bisexual, Teens, and Interracial. Other people who have co-starred with Carlos include, most notably, Dakota, Caelan, Angelo, J.T., and Mitch. This pornstar's most recent video is featured in Spunk Buddies - Dorm Room. Content starring this actor was viewed 725,633 times, with over 8 Gigabytes of exciting videos being downloaded in the last twelve months.
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