Steve Strong
- BiographyThroughout his 11 year pornographic career, this white porn oldtimer has appeared in 4 porn videos, debuting in Bareback Cabin Boys around November 2013. The video content featuring this model has been watched 778,866 times, with more than 12.9 GB worth of porno being downloaded. Some of the other people who have co-starred next to Steve Strong are Luka Nike, Kyle Martin, Ricky Jackson, Ben Rivers, and Jamie Lee. Recently, he was seen in Bathhouse Ballin' with the Bareback Boys and Bareback Mountain. Steve has been favorited 10 times by our members, and rated 4.647 out of 5 with a total of 34 votes casted. Steve Strong's most often performed activities include Blowjobs, Guy On Guy, Anal Licking, Cum on Stomach, and Anal Sex.
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