Michael Constanzo
- BiographyThis model has starred in 2 videos, having starred on camera for the first time in Desires of A Gymnast Part 2: Gymnastic Lovers around December 2013. The video content containing Michael was viewed 386,439 times in total, with over 4.8 Gigs worth of exciting porn being downloaded. Some of the other actors who co-starred alongside Michael Constanzo are, most notably, Mihaly, Janos Volt, and Roberto Giorgio. Michael Constanzo's favorite activities include Blowjobs, Guy On Guy, Anal Sex, Cumshot - Leg, and Cum on Stomach. Michael was added to My Favorites folder once by Gay Access members, and received a rating of 4.077 out of 5 with a total of 13 ratings casted. His most recent video is featured in Secret Desires.
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Horny Butt Slut Ass...
Secret Desires December 16 2013
Roberto And Michael...
Desires of A Gymnast Part... December 10 2013