Payton Lambert
- BiographyThis latin male model has starred in 2 videos, appearing for the first time in Bareback Chatroom Sluts in January 2014. Some other actors co-starring alongside Payton include, among others, Zoe Ontiveros, Johnathan Robles, Alexander Cervantes, Ivan Newton, and Kenai Sidka. He was added to My Favorites folder 9 times by our members, and received an average rating of 4.704 out of 5 stars with a total of 27 ratings. His most recent work is included in Latin Bareback Splash. Content showing Payton was viewed 763,470 times, with over 8 Gigs of porno having been transferred. Payton Lambert's most often performed actions include Guy On Guy, Cum on Hands, Anal Sex, Anal Licking, and Blowjobs.
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