Grant Wood
- BiographyDuring the course of his 18 year long pornstar career, Grant has starred in 2 video scenes, having made his earliest appearance on camera in Paul Barresi's Killer Looks in '06. Video content featuring Grant was watched 383,781 times, with well over 5 GB worth of exciting porn having been transferred in the previous twelve months. His most often performed activities include Cum on Back, Blowjobs, Hardcore, Guy On Guy, and Anal Sex. His most recent video is featured in Blade's Real World. Other actors co-starring alongside Grant are Frank O'Thomas, Sam Dixon, and Dino Dimarco. Grant was favorited 13 times by Gay Access members. Overall, 91% of our members given this star a positive rating.
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Effeminate Queer...
Blade's Real World September 26 2013
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Paul Barresi's Killer Looks December 03 2006