Duncan Skidmore
- BiographyThis white model has starred in 8 video scenes, appearing for the first time in Mud On The Helmet in February '02. More recently, he starred in Anal Troopers, Boiler Room Buddies, Young Cops 2, Rookies, and Boiler Room Buddies 2. His most successful performances are released in Rookies, Young Cops 2, and Mud On The Helmet. Duncan has been added to favorites 15 times by Gay Access members. On average, 88% of our members rated this actor positively. Some of the other actors who co-starred with Duncan are Tony Akin, Toby O'Connor, Tyson Rexx, Justice, and Tyler Marx. Duncan Skidmore's favorite activities include Anal Sex, Guy On Guy, Blowjobs, Hardcore, and Handjobs, while the greatest part of his videos can be found in Anal Sex, Military, and Uniforms. The content with this model has been requested 756,399 times in total, with greater than 20.5 Gigs worth of porn having been downloaded in the last year.
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