Brent Cross

  • BiographyThis male pornstar has starred in 4 video scenes, appearing for the first time in Wet Warehouse 2 in 1995. He has recently acted in I Saw What You Did, Before and After, and Man Hunt. He was favorited 22 times by our members. Overall, 98 percent of our members have given Brent Cross a thumbs up rating. Video content showing this actor has been watched 465,812 times, with well over 9 Gigabytes of exciting video being downloaded during the previous year. Other people who have co-starred next to Brent Cross are, most notably, Eduardo, Dax Kelly, Rick Colts, Joe Kent, and Tommy Cruise. Brent Cross's favorite actions are Guy On Guy, Anal Sex, Hardcore, Blowjobs, and Handjobs.
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