Tommy Cruise
- BiographyThis white male actor has starred in 3 video scenes, having starred on camera for the first time in Underboss around '97. He has been added to My Favorites folder 19 times by our members, and received an average rating of 4.676 out of 5 with a total of 37 ratings casted. Tommy Cruise's favorite actions consist of Guy On Guy, Anal Sex, Fingering, Hardcore, and Blowjobs, while the largest portion of Tommy's scenes are categorized under Anal Sex, Interracial, and Uniforms. Video content featuring Tommy was requested 833,100 times, with greater than 11 GB of video having been transferred in the last year. Other actors co-starring with Tommy Cruise include, among others, Dean Spencer, Brent Cross, Matt Wilder, Zach Richards, and Paul Barresi. Most recently, Tommy Cruise has appeared in Before and After and Cop Stories 1 - The Scandal.
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Scenes (3)
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Sexy Young Guy Ass...
Cop Stories 1 - The Scandal August 31 2013
Horny Cocksucker Gets...
Before and After November 20 1998
Jail House Sex...
Underboss May 18 1997