John Nagel
- BiographyThis male actor has starred in 24 video scenes, having appeared for the first time in Loaded around '98. John's most notable videos are released in Oral Officers 3, Men In Uniform 2, and Wild Cops 3. Other actors who co-starred together with John Nagel include, among others, Martin Petros, Anthony DeMarco, Rob Louge, Jake Russell, and Mike Anthony. More recently, John Nagel was seen in Wild Cops 4, Wild Cops 3, Men In Uniform 2, Back Draft 2, and Oral Officers 3. John has been favorited 117 times by our members, and given a rating of 4.978 out of 5 with 178 ratings. John Nagel's most often performed actions consist of Blowjobs, Fingering, Handjobs, Guy On Guy, and Anal Sex, while greatest part of his scenes are found under Gay, Hunks, and Uniforms. The video content containing John was requested 3,605,414 times in total, with greater than 132 GB of porno having been downloaded during the last year.
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Scenes (24)
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John Nagel Rubs His...
Oral Officers 3 June 06 2014
Josh Erickson Doesn't...
Back Draft 2 April 12 2014
Burly Muscle Men Have...
Men In Uniform 2 September 11 2001
Cop Pursues Crook...
Wild Cops 4 April 22 2001
Studly Cops Go Wild...
Wild Cops 3 October 13 2000
Masturbating Perv...
Wild Cops 3 October 12 2000
Horny Policeman...
Under Arrest October 12 1999
Two Super Sexy Men...
Under Arrest October 12 1999
Trio Of Sexy Man...
Back Draft September 17 1999
A Group Of Bad Cops...
Got Me Burning September 17 1999
John Shows He Knows...
Back Draft September 17 1999
John Nagel Enjoys...
Got Me Burning September 17 1999